One year ago today we found out our adult son had a brain tumor. He's spent the last 12 months fighting unbelievable odds...before he could have brain surgery, he developed a severe case of e. coli and was in the hospital for a week. Then as soon as he recovered from that, he developed Hymolitic-Uremic Syndrome which shuts down the kidneys. After six blood exchanges via dialysis,10 days in the hospital,and almost dying, he was recovered enough to go back home.
In June he underwent 21 hours of surgery to remove a baseball sized benign tumor..a Vestibular Schwannoma. He was in ICU for a month...went to rehab for a month...back in ICU for two weeks, and finally home with homecare. He permanently lost the hearing in his right ear, but the paralysis in his face is improving, speech and swallowing have returned (yay, no more trach or feeding tube), balance is getting better,the drainage shunt has been removed, and he is finally back at work. He continues outpatient rehab.and will for several more months.
He will never be the same as he was before the surgery, but that just makes him a newer and better version of himself. We are so grateful...he will continue to improve and although doctors say he'll be back to his original self someday, we're just glad to have him alive.
I post this as a reminder to all about how important health insurance is. He has insurance...yes, his premiums went up 35% this year, but at least he's covered. Without the new HCR law, he would probably be dropped by his insurance carrier, and/or should he ever change jobs, his pre-existing condition would prevent his getting new insurance. Plus, I'm guessing he's pretty close to (if not already at) his life-time cap.Now he doesn't have to worry about that.
I tell this story to anyone who wants to argue about health care. This is personal to me, and no one has yet to have a comeback. My son's life and that of his dear family will be made easier by the new law.
We're glad this year is over...and so overwhelming glad that our son is happy and healthy.
Never stop fighting...never give up...and never forget what our President has done for us.