... according to the GOP's fund raising apparatus. I have an undercover email address that I use to get these.... so here's what they're hoping will turn people against the HC law and the Democratics, as well as bring in lots of funds from GOP idiots... ENJOY! :)
Dear Ubdercover Operative,
Concerned citizens across the country have asked the Republican National Committee what they can do now that Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have ignored the people's will and arrogantly forced the government takeover of health care down their throats.
The first step in our Party's plan is to raise the funds necessary to fire Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid by electing Republican majorities to the U.S. House and Senate. You and thousands of hard-working Americans have already made a commitment to ending the Democrats' divisive one-party rule in Washington by generously donating to the Republican National Committee's Fire Nancy Pelosi Money Bomb last week. Our Party and our candidates are grateful for your tremendous support.
Ubdercover Operative, the next step is to go out into your community and begin an ongoing discussion with your friends and neighbors about the disastrous effects of ObamaCare. It's our job as a Party -- and your job as a GOP grassroots leader -- to educate folks about the dire ramifications of what ObamaCare means to America and fight back against the Democrats' campaign of misinformation.
Let them know Republicans favor health care reform, but not the massive government-run scheme the Obama Democrats negotiated behind closed doors with their liberal special interest allies that drastically alters one-sixth of our economy. And share with them the facts about the Democrats' "reform" that they do not want people to learn.
* Causes 9 million people to lose the insurance they now have;
* Increases the already bloated deficit by $260 billion over the next decade when all the components are included;
* Adds $371 billion to the deficit by not including the Medicare physician fee schedule change, also known as the "Doc Fix" provision;
* Raises taxes by $569 billion on small businesses and creates a new marriage penalty with new income and investment taxes;
* Cuts Medicare by $523 billion;
* Increases premiums by 10% for people without employer-based insurance;
* Expands the power of the IRS to enforce a government mandate that requires Americans to purchase government-approved insurance; and
* After all the spending is done and the bill is fully implemented, 23 million people will still be uninsured in 2019.
Ubdercover Operative, the fight to protect our freedoms and liberties from further government intrusion by the Obama Democrats is just beginning. Please help us win this battle for the heart and soul of America by sharing these facts about their government-run health care experiment. With your help, we will Fire Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in November.
Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee
P.S. Ubdercover Operative, the above facts and more are available for download anytime at GOP.com. Thank you.