Lt. Gov. Bill Halter announced his candidacy for the Senate against incumbent Blanche Lincoln, who voted against the health care reconciliation package and spoke out against the public option.
Rodney Glassman is exploring a potential run for the Senate. CA:
Dr. Amerish "Ami" Bera, a physician, is running against Republican Dan Lundgren in the 3rd district. Marcy Winograd, is a progressive activist running against "blue-dog" Jane Harman in the 36th district.
Bill Hedrick is running for Congress in the 44th district and came within 2% of winning in 2008.
Tracy Emblem is running in California’s 50th Congressional District.
Andrew Romanoff is the former Colorado House Majority Leader, who has bucked the establishment and even the President to run a primary against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet. Bennet voted against the cram-down amendment as part of the foreclosure legislation, and despite authoring the letter on the public option, only tepidly endorsed it until a few months ago and did not end up offering a public option amendment on the floor. FL:
State Senate minority leader Al Lawson is running against blue-dog incumbent Allen Boyd, who voted against the health-care bill, in the 2nd district.
Jim Piccillo is running in the 5th district against right-winger Ginny Brown-Waite. /
Doug Tudor is a progressive Democrat running in the primary against self-proclaimed "blue-dog" Lori Edwards in the 12th district. She has evaded offering support for a public option, while Mr. Tudor strongly supports single-payer. Congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz and the DCCC are working on behalf of Edwards. Paul Partyka is running for the 24th district in a primary against incumbent "blue-dog" Susan Kosmas. /
Regina Thomas is running in the 12th district against blue-dog John Barrow, who voted against the health-care bill. MI:
Connie Saltonstall is challenging Bart Stupak, who turned the health-care debate into an abortion fight, for his House seat. MD:
Andrew Gall, an Obama campaign staffer, is running against consumate D.C. insider and centrist majority whip Steny Hoyer. This one's a long shot, but definately worth a shot. /
Tarryl Clark is running against Michele Bachman in the 6th district.
Billy Kennedy, a farmer and local radio show host, recently declared his candidacy for the 5th district against Republican Virginia Fox. /
Ann McLane Kuster is running in the 2nd district, which is being vacated by Paul Hodes. She has been endorsed by the progressive change campaign committee. /
Jennifer Brunner, is currently Secretary of State in Ohio, and was responsible for cleaning up the mess her predecessor Ken Blackwell left in time for the 2008 election. Sen. Menendez and the DSCC have to tried to stifle her candidacy in favor of Lee Fisher. PA:
Congressman Joe Sestak, is taking on Senator Arlen Specter. The state establishment and White House are all backing Specter is not polling well against Pat Toomey. Lois Herr is running for Congress in the 16th district against incumbent Republican Joe Pitts, of the Stupak / Pitts anti-abortion amendment. RI:
Rhode Island State Representative Betsy Dennigan, who is progressive and pro-choice, is running in a primary against current Rep. James Langevin, who voted for the Stupak amendment. SC:
Robert Dobbs is running in South Carolina’s 1st district.
Iraq war veteran Rob Miller is running against Congressman Joe "you-lie" Wilson in the 2nd district. VA:
Krystal Ball a 27 year old small-business owner, is now the presumptive nominee in the 1st. district after her primary opponent conceded after the party's caucuses. She will take on the incumbent Republican, Rob Wittman. She has been endorsed by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. WA:
State Senator Craig Pridemore is running for the 3rd. district. Blue America Pac quotes him: "After having know him for about two days, he confided in me that "the conventional wisdom up here is that a Democrat can't win if he/she stands for Democratic values. I am absolutely committed to changing that perception and to make WA-03 a reliable, progressive seat in the future." Reply with your additions so I continue to update this list.