Here's what he did yesterday. He went to a POW/MIA rally. Now, it is reasonable to go to show sympathy and support for these veterans, but he is either ignorant or not quite honest in making the promises he did.
Vowing to keep supporting efforts to retrieve soldiers missing in action since the Vietnam War, Sen. Scott Brown joined more than 100 veterans and town officials at the Vietnam Memorial on Church Green in Taunton yesterday in honor of the city’s annual POW/MIA Remembrance Day.
"I feel they should be brought home to their families,” the Massachusetts Republican told the crowd, “And our determination to keep up the fight for our loved ones and make sure they come home safely is certainly my priority.” holds out false hope. Given the scope of the committee Kerry headed, this is pure pandering. It ignores that the war ended in 1973, 37 years ago. Do you think Mr pickup truck is really willing to spend his recesses making trips to Vietnam? Could he not have known or appreciated what Kerry was able to do? (Or see that Kerry's history made him more able to get concessions from the Vietnamese that others wouldn't be able to get?)
These are people who already feel their government betrayed them, yet here he is making a promise that to "get them home safely"