The Obama administration on Monday named Tennessee and Delaware as initial winners in its “Race to the Top” education initiative... Tennessee will get $502 million and Delaware, a much smaller state, $107 million.
Features of the winning applications (paraphrase):
- Merit pay
- Student test scores as evaluation measures for teachers & principals
- Statewide adoption of all planned changes (100% sign-on from state school districts, majority sign-on from state teachers' unions, 93% in TN)
- DE removes teachers rated "ineffective" for 3 consecutive years from classroom, by law. Definition of "effective" = achieves defined percent of improvement on student test scores.
- Low-performing schools have two years to show improvement, are then penalized
- TN legislation now allows new “Achievement School Districts” to replace "failing" schools.
Note: The heavy lifting will be done by contracted "non-profits" apparently, see "Let someone else do the work" here:**********************
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The education “reform” bill passed both houses of the Republican-controlled state legislature by huge bipartisan margins... The bipartisan approach continued in the grant application, which was cosigned by all the Democratic and Republican candidates to succeed Bredesen as governor in the November election...
The decisive role of the teachers’ unions was demonstrated in the states that lost as well as those that won. Florida and Georgia were considered leading finalists, but the largest teachers’ union in Florida opposed the plan, and the Georgia Association of Educators complained that it had been left out...
The actual amount of money going into the Tennessee schools under the Race to the Top averages only $540 per student — a pittance that will not make up for the cuts generated by the economic slump, which slashes property tax revenue, and state budget cuts..."Sold your birthright for a mess of pottage..."
“Obama’s education proposals demonstrate that social inequality in America is so advanced, and the power of the financial aristocracy so immense, that no public service or program, including education, that is not openly based on class privilege and status can long survive.”