Just yesterday Jim Newell, the most prescient investigative journalist since Nostradamus, very sensibly asked, “What in f**k are
and LL Cool J going to talk about” on some crappy Fox News show? The answer is, nothing!
Second-most-prescient investigative journalist LL Cool J reports that Fox is actually just running an interview from 2008 that he did with some non-Sarah-Palin person. And that is why Twitter is so awesome, because first it made Iran into a democracy and now this.
LL CoolJ's twitter post:
Fox lifted an old interview I gave in 2008 to someone else & are misrepresenting to the public in order to promote Sarah Palins Show. WOW
Read more at Wonkette: http://wonkette.com/414544/ll-cool-j-betrayed-by-fox-news#ixzz0jlV4c9ed
All designed to make Sarah marketable to African Americans.
She's NOT a racist you know....... And her kids are NOT criminals........and some of her best friends are African Americans.....Alaska has----dozens of African Americans....she can see them from her porch.......and.........and......(is anybody still listening?)
It really begs the question, "just how stupid are these people?". No one thought that this would come back and bite them in the ass......LL Cool J would stay quiet about never having given Caribou Barbie an interview.....that there wasn't tape from the original interview 2 years ago for proof.........REALLY?!!!!!