this is an article about it. reform bill includes $250M for new abstinence-only programs
By Gavin Dahl
Sunday, March 28th, 2010 -- 4:57 pm
Health reform bill includes $250M for new abstinence only programs Buried in the landmark health care bill passed by Democrats is $250 million over 5 years for state programs to try to convince young people to wait until marriage for sex.
Proponents of abstinence-only education are thrilled, but there is little evidence this money will be effective in fighting pregnancy or HIV.
"We're very happy to see that funding will continue so the important sexual health message of risk avoidance will reach American teens," Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Association, a D.C.-based lobbying group, told Washington Post. "What better place to see such an important health issue addressed than in the health legislation?"
"To spend a quarter-billion dollars on abstinence-only-until-marriage programs that have already been proven to fail is reckless and irresponsible," James Wagoner of the Washington group Advocates for Youth responded in the same piece from Washington Post. "When on top of that you add the fact that this puts the health and lives of young people at risk, this becomes outrageous."
Abstinence programs received roughly $150 million a year during the previous administration, but independent evaluations concluded that the long decline in teen pregnancies was reversing. So IBM's first budget effectively excluded abstinence funding. The speculation is that the new $250 million, introduced by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) was left in as part of the effort to win conservative Democratic support.
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