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What disturbs me about people like Tom Tancredo is where they're elected

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
Ardent15 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 07:03 PM
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What disturbs me about people like Tom Tancredo is where they're elected
He was elected in a high-income, well educated suburban/exurban part of Denver,Colorado.

Yet he was calling for the bombing of Mecca in response to terrorist attacks and that we should "preserve our culture.'

Am I the only one who finds this disturbing? Are there really that many people in these nutball congresspeople's districts, like Gohmert, Franks, Bachmann, and Steve King, who agree with them?
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virgogal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 07:09 PM
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1. Nutballs----are----everywhere.
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maxsolomon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 07:16 PM
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2. all that is required for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing

i live in WA 7th, where Dr. "Bagdhad" Jim McDermott was re-elected with 80% of the vote, so i'm not really qualified to respond.
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IndianaJoe Donating Member (664 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 07:39 PM
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3. A Letter I Once Wrote to Tancredo
The Hon. Thomas Tancredo
1130 Longworth House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515-0606

Re: Citizenship for Children of Illegal Aliens

Dear Rep. Tancredo

This is the first time I’ve ever written you, but I see you a lot on C-Span and on Lou Dobbs’ show on CNN. I’ve always been one of your biggest fans. (By the way, you really look sharp in that blazer you always wear! Great haircut too!) Whenever I see one of your statements in the local paper I always make a point of clipping it out and showing it to my wife, Elzbeta Toth. She likes you a lot too.

Actually, Elzbeta and I both thought that we’d seen the end of you on C-Span when you became President of “Colorado Term Limits, Inc.” and swore that oath to limit yourself to only three terms in the House of Representatives. We were sure glad when you changed your mind about it and ran for your fourth term back in 2004. We need more strong, patriotic Republicans like you in Congress! It’s guys like you that we need in there to keep this country from being overrun by Mexicans!

One of the things Elzbeta and I like most about you is how you always seem to notice things that other people don’t. And I don’t just mean Mexicans. For example, you were the only one that I know of in Congress that noticed that the National Park Service had put up a memorial to the 911 victims of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania that was shaped in the form of a “crescent.” You were also quick to pick up on the fact that the Park Service was going to use the word “Crescent” in the name it was going to give to the Memorial, despite the fact that “Crescents” are Islamic symbols. You were right in pointing out to the Park Service that by calling the Flight 93 Memorial Crescent a “Crescent” it was really honoring the Islamic hijackers that stole the plane and not the victims! Elzbeta and I were pleased when you made the Park Service drop the word “Crescent” from the name of the Flight 93 Memorial. Good work!

My wife and I also backed you when you fearlessly took on the Denver Public Library when you caught it buying library books written in Spanish. Nobody else but you noticed that. But you were right! The only ones that would be reading books like that would be illegal Mexicans that don’t speak English. Buying library books like that only encourages more illegal Mexican immigration! What a waste of money! Because it was an important matter, Elzbeta and I didn’t mind when you called what the Public Library was doing “cultural balkanization.” See, Elzbeta and I are originally from Hungary (which is in the Balkans). I guess Elzbeta and I are sort of “balkanized” too. Ha! Ha! Anyway, we knew you didn’t mean any offense.

Elzbeta and I were also right there with you when you said on that radio show that if Osama Bin Laden blew up a U.S. city with a nuclear bomb, then we ought to do the same thing to Mecca and Medina and all those other Arab holy places. I know it made a lot of people angry, but that’s just good foreign policy thinking in my book. Did you discuss that with Dick Cheney and Condoleeza Rice before making your statement? Ha! Ha! I’ll bet you did! Anyway, I’m glad you stuck to your guns and refused to give an apology when those Muslims you offended all over the world were demanding one. Never compromise on matters of moral principle! That’s the Republican way!

And don’t think Elzbeta and I haven’t noticed your Presidential ambitions! You’ve certainly got our votes if you get that Republican nomination. By the way, I looked on your website and noticed that you are presently ranked 9th among Republican candidates for 2008 – just behind Mike Huckabee and Hailey Barbour. Like I told Elzbeta, 9th is pretty good when you consider that you’re running against heavyweights like them. Keep on fighting! Pretty soon you’ll storm past Huckabee and Barbour and be challenging the likes of Santorum and Gingrich!

But I better get to the reason for this letter. Elzbeta and I are both long-time Republican voters. We agree with you 100% that something should be done about all these Mexican immigrants that keep coming here and taking jobs from U.S. citizens. Your idea --building a big wall clear across the whole Mexican border -- makes a ton of sense to us. Even if it might cost the $8 Billion like people say – it’d still be worth it just to keep those Mexicans on the other side! But its your other idea – the one about taking U.S. citizenship away from U.S.- born children of illegal immigrants that’s got Elzbeta and I a little nervous. We were wondering if you might write in an exception for Hungarians.

See, my wife Elzbeta Toth was born here in the U.S. But her parents, Ferenc and Matilda Esterhazy were both illegal immigrants at the time of her birth. They both came here in 1956 after the Hungarian Uprising by sneaking across the U.S. border from Canada. Matilda was later given asylum and she eventually became a U.S. citizen. However, Ferenc never bothered with the paperwork and he was still illegal when Elzbeta was born in 1959. Unfortunately, in the mid-1960s Ferenc developed a really bad hemorrhoid problem and was deported after he was caught shoplifting anal suppositories from a drug store here in Indianapolis. Because Ferenc never got his papers, that makes Elzbeta the U.S.-citizen daughter of an illegal Hungarian immigrant – someone that could get deported if you get your Constitutional amendment passed. That’s got both Elzbeta and me wondering if your proposal to strip children of illegal immigrant parents of citizenship applies not just to Mexicans, but also to Hungarians. If Hungarians are included that might be bad news for Elzbeta.

I love Elzbeta very much. I’d really hate to see her stripped of her U.S. citizenship and deported after all these years. That’s why I’ve written you. We’re both hoping that there might be some kind of exception for daughters of illegal Hungarians in your proposal. Ordinarily, I’m not one to ask for favors, but you’ve always seemed like a fair person during your appearances on Lou Dobbs’ show. I figured that a reasonable man like you would recognize the need for a special exception for Hungarians like Elzbeta.

I also read somewhere that during the Vietnam War you managed to avoid the draft by telling the Selective Service people that you were mentally ill, prone to anxiety attacks, and were using mind-affecting drugs. When I read that it gave me hope that you would be sympathetic to Elzbeta’s plight. Being the beneficiary of a special exception yourself back in the 1960s, I was hoping that you might be receptive to Elzbeta’s situation and create a special exception in your constitutional amendment to prevent it from applying to Hungarians. How about it? Elzbeta and I would be really grateful if you did!

Well, I know you’re a busy man, and I guess we’re still a long way from getting that amendment passed. But I still wanted to give you an early heads up on Elzbeta’s problem so that you could keep her situation in mind when drafting your constitutional amendment..

So keep fighting to keep those Mexicans out! Elzbeta and I will be pulling for you in 2008!

Your friend,

Lazlo Toth

Voting for Republicans (both unindicted and indicted) since 1952!

(Inspired by Don Novello’s Lazlo Toth Letters)
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