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Joe the Dead Rancher? McCain, Hayworth use corpse as an opportunity for a pissing contest

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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 08:20 PM
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Joe the Dead Rancher? McCain, Hayworth use corpse as an opportunity for a pissing contest
U.S. Sen. John McCain is blasting his challenger J.D. Hayworth, saying he’s mischaracterized his record to score political points in the wake of the murder of a Douglas rancher over the weekend.

Former Congressman Hayworth is blasting back, meanwhile, saying McCain’s record on immigration is out of step with what Arizona wants.

Speaking on a Phoenix broadcast station about the case of Robert Krentz, who was believed to have been shot and killed by an illegal immigrant, Hayworth said he has long advocated for a military presence on the border while McCain worked on an “amnesty bill” with former U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy.

“I’m heartened to hear that as of yesterday, Senator McCain has decided that gee, there could be a military presence on the border. The tragedy is, it’s too late for the Krentz family and the problems continue unabated,” Hayworth said in the interview.

“The fact is we need a clear, consistent conservative in the U.S. Senate who is not a johnny-come-lately to border security, but who has advocated for it and will get the job done. It is time to end this madness.”

McCain’s campaign spokesman Brian Rogers sent out a release calling Hayworth’s comments “despicable and offensive.”

Aside from the fact Hayworth has the facts wrong since McCain has sought troops on the border for more than a year, Rogers said, “More troubling is that he’s trying to lay the blame for this murder on Sen. McCain. It’s beyond the pale.”

Press releases from last March quote McCain saying he supports sending National Guard troops.

Also, in opening comments at a field hearing in Phoenix last April to focus attention on border crime, McCain reiterated the call for the Guard to go to the border to counteract violence associated with illegal drug traffic.

Rogers noted that Hayworth knew better, given that Hayworth’s own talk radio show played footage of McCain telling news outlets in Phoenix that more resources were needed to secure the border.

Rogers said the comments “demonstrate a candidate so consumed by political ambition that he'll say anything to anyone — no matter how shameful or inaccurate.”

Asked to respond to Rogers’ characterization, Hayworth, who was en route to a town hall in Douglas in the wake of the murder, stood by his comments, saying McCain didn’t highlight the need for a military presence “with any action” or “prominence” until Krentz’ death.
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virgogal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 08:30 PM
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1. Joe the Dead Rancher? That's kind of mean spirited,
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Amerigo Vespucci Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 08:32 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. No it's not.
Edited on Wed Mar-31-10 08:33 PM by Amerigo Vespucci
It's a reflection of my disgust for McCain & Hayworth's opportunism. But if you think I'm mean, put me on ignore. Consider this a personal invitation.
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panader0 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-31-10 08:31 PM
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2. I'm going with drug smuggler and not illegal immigrant
That incident was nearby. The many illegals I have seen, worked with, etc., are not violent. The drug trade is quite violent. There is a big Columbian part in this. This whole area of southern Az is a corridor for both. My GF and I go to Douglas often to buy her cigarettes at the duty free store. ( a carton of her brand in the states is 72 bucks, 18 at the duty free store) You have to walk across the line into Agua Prieta, the much larger Mexican neighbor of Douglas. There are so many illegals waiting to cross, sitting in front of a store that hands out water bottles and maps. Legalize weed and most of the violence would end.
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Kali Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 11:53 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. I didn't know them very well, but met his wife before and he
was active in local cattlegrowers org.
Report I read earlier was his brother turned in smugglers the day before with a big load. Not sure who is pushing the illegals meme so much but I'm seeing the drift. I am with you this was drug related, not simple migrants. I've never seen any with guns before.

(Ueta! I need to get down there)
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