Tea Partier Tells Mediaite Racist Sign Was Forged; We Have Him On Record Defending Its Use
http://www.alan.com/2010/03/31/tea-partier-tells-mediaite-racist-sign-was-forged-we-have-him-on-record-defending-its-use/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+liberaland+%28Alan+Colmes+Liberaland%29Alan Colmes Busts Dale Robertson on Racist Photo
By David Weigel 3/31/10 5:43 PM
It’s true. The liberal radio host (formerly of “Hannity and”) posts a Jan. 7 radio interview with Dale Robertson in which the Tea Party activist defended his use of the slogan “taxpayer = niggar” on a sign. (The interview was conducted three days after I posted a photo of the sign.)
COLMES: What do you mean by the word “NIGGAR?” What is that?
ROBERTSON: I don’t know, what does it mean to you?
COLMES: That’s what?
ROBERTSON: What does it mean to you?
COLMES: I don’t know, I didn’t write it. I’ve never seen that word before. What’s NIGGAR?
ROBERTSON: Well, I just don’t agree with what Congress is doing to the American people.
COLMES: But why that word?
ROBERTSON: Really the proper word is “slave.”
COLMES: You said “Congress is the slaveowner, taxpayer is the NIGGAR.”
ROBERTSON: Well, Ron Dellums actually coined that word.