You don' TEASE a 10 year old kid, regardless if he kid are striking mad it is other ways to subdue the kid - non violent ways, so he could be calmed down... I know from my own experience, as a 10 year old, who had a temper without ends that it exist many ways to be calmed down, by grown ups.. I remember specially one time, when I was really mad for some reason, I was just put into the floor, by a grown up, and hold to the floor as long as I was. And even tho I fighted really hard I could not get out of the grip, and in the end I was so tired because of the fight, that I just gave up... And then I, and the grown up, was going to a room, and was talking for a long time, to se why I was in that mood.. (AND I was then in a special ed class because of my temper!!) This kid who was tazed, could have been treated some of the same way, you dosen'thave to electrocute a kid at age 10, with 50.000 volts to get him to calm down.. What you need, is to use the fucking brain... And to use he dame brain, to get the kid to understand that he had to calm down, and maybe sit down to talk
And I have what today is known as AD/DD, MUCH of the same problems as the AD/HD, without the hyper activity... And one of the handicaps, we do have, is that we can get a anger without ends.. I mean REALLY anger without ends... And when I was 10, i could explode for almost nothing.. I guess it was great fun to tease me at school;(
Not to defend this kid, but I would say in 99 percent of the cases, as kid docent blow without reason, if the grown ups, have seen the "danger" little before, and maybe tried to talk to the kid, to se why he was angry, he might not have blown up as he did... To me, the little I know about this incident, it looks like a typical AD/HD/DD case...
I for one hope at least the officers would be given a reprimand for what they did, and maybe even go to a counselor, to educate them selfs what a kid is, and what to do, when a kid is in anger.. YOu doesn't treat a 10 year old kid, as a grown up.. 50.000 VOLTS can KILL a 10 year old.. It can kill a 100 kg grown up if he have a condition that is not known...