How I pranked Will Pitt on April fools day.
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:09 AM
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How I pranked Will Pitt on April fools day. |
It was about 6 to 7 years ago today that I designed a Fake CNN On-Line News story that announced that he was a candidate for the Pulitzer Prize for his work at Truthout.Com.
I Redid the HTML on a CNN page that had the actual story about candidates for the Pulitzer, uploaded it to the Net--- and it looked pretty dang authentic.
I then posted it here on DU with a hearty congrats for Will--- and worked like a charm.
It worked so well that Pitt's Mother---who is member of DU---called him early in the morning yelling at him for not informing her of the news. He woke and said---Huh---until he figured it out---and then began screaming-----Trumad!!!!!!!
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:10 AM
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Edited on Thu Apr-01-10 06:10 AM by WilliamPitt
You don't still have the thing, do you?
So I can shove it up your ass?
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:15 AM
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Nah---I wish I did.
I thought about doing another one this April Fools, but didn't have my web design software loaded on my new laptop. I still LMAO when I think of your Mom waking you up with a call.
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:22 AM
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5. oops, reply #4 is meant for you. nt. |
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:11 AM
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:20 AM
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i'm putting this on the Greatest page!
Good luck with your chat at the NPR studios! Personally i think they (as an organization) have started leaning too far right for me, more in the sense that they ignore the truly progressive viewpoint most times than that they skew stories. But sometimes i'm appalled at who gets a voice on their shows... and subsequently, who doesn't...
cheers from Western Mass...
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:24 AM
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And I thought I had an enormous problem attempting to craft a suitable e-mail to my bro who was born on this day 55 years ago.
I've been workin' on it since 3 am.
Should have just punked Will instead.
Fool's are the wisest of all.
Sure beat the pundits and bobbleheads.
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:27 AM
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7. Your prank reminds me of one of my favorite lines from Pirates of the Caribbean |
Will Turner: This is either madness... or brilliance. Jack Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
You must either be brilliant ... or mad. So ... which is it? Hhhhmmmmm?
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Thu Apr-01-10 06:38 AM
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8. His name isn't "Trubrilliant," so... |
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Thu Apr-01-10 07:06 AM
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You're right ... I missed that.
:blush: :dunce:
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Thu Apr-01-10 01:31 PM
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Vinnie From Indy
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Thu Apr-01-10 07:13 AM
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Well Done Trumad! Thanks for the chuckle!
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Thu Apr-01-10 07:16 AM
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Thu Apr-01-10 01:40 PM
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13. Okay, that is an AWESOME prank. |
If I were his Mom, I would be hunting you down with a rolling pin in hand !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thu Apr-01-10 01:45 PM
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14. SHHHH! He Might Catch On To The Fact That I "Set Up" An NPR Interview For Him |
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Thu Apr-01-10 03:45 PM
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Thu Apr-01-10 01:48 PM
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15. Oh, man. You crossed Raven. Nice knowing you, trumad. |
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Thu Apr-01-10 01:50 PM
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16. So THAT's what she was so annoyed about |
this morning!!! Boy! I was going to come in and tell her I was pregnant as a joke (it would TRULY be a miracle if I were) But she would have absolutely KILLED ME!!!!!
THat was a mean thing to do to a Mom!!!!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:31 PM
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