by Doug Cunningham on March 31, 2010 - 5:26pm
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By Doug Cunningham
The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO is endorsing Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary. In backing the Republican-turned-Democrat the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO says Specter is the strongest advocate and supporter of good jobs, fair trade policies, worker’s rights and affordable health care for all. In endorsing Specter, the labor federation also noted his key vote supporting the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – the $787 billion stimulus bill. That vote is widely seen as the reason Specter left the Republican party.Specter’s primary opponent - congressman Joe Sestak – has a labor voting record is much stronger overall than Specter’s. He says he has a 100 percent rating from the national AFL-CIO while Specter’s is just 61 percent.