And get out now for the benefit of the party...don't know much about her, but from what I do know, I bet that's unlikely. has new numbers in the Arkansas Senate race (500 LVs, 3/30, MoE +/- 4.5%), and the news isn't good for Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D). She's launched several ads in the past month, but also been taking some heat on the airwaves from her new primary rival, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter (D). The outcome: she slips further behind her potential GOP foes, and her unfavorable rating has climbed 9 points.
General Election Matchups
Hendren 51 (+8 vs. last poll, 3/1)
Lincoln 35 (-3)
Und 8 (-4)
Baker 51 (+6)
Lincoln 36 (-4)
Und 7 (-1)
Coleman 48 (+5)
Lincoln 36 (-5)
Und 8 (-2)
Holt 51 (+6)
Lincoln 35 (-3)
Und 7 (-3)
Boozman 51 (+3)
Lincoln 36 (-3)
Und 7 (unch)
The gap is narrower when Halter is the Democratic nominee, but largely because of a bigger pool of undecideds.
Hendren 42 (unch)
Halter 34 (-1)
Und 13 (-2)
Baker 44 (unch)
Halter 36 (-1)
Und 12 (+1)
Coleman 40 (+2)
Halter 37 (+2)
Und 13 (-5)
Holt 43 (+1)
Halter 34 (-4)
Und 14 (+2)
Boozman 48 (-4)
Halter 34 (+1)
Und 11 (+2)
Some other points from the survey: 28 percent of Arkansans say the health care plan passed by Congress will be good for the country, 60 percent say bad. Sixty-three percent favor an effort to repeal the bill. President Obama's job approval stands at 37 percent, while 61 percent disapprove of his performance. Gov. Mike Beebe (D), however, has a robust 74 percent approval rating, with just a quarter of the sample disapproving.