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NY: Levy, Lazio push legal challenge to federal health bill

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cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 02:05 PM
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NY: Levy, Lazio push legal challenge to federal health bill

Hoping to put the spotlight on his possible Democratic opponent for governor, Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy says New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo should join other states in legally challenging the recently passed federal health care plan mainly because of the money it will cost New York in extra Medicaid payments.

Levy, a newly converted Republican vying for the GOP nomination against former Rep. Rick Lazio, said Cuomo needs to join at least 14 other state attorneys nationwide in testing the constitutionality of the recent health bill that would require all citizens to get health insurance.

But Lazio's camp called Levy a Johnny-come-lately on this issue, pointing to a March 25 letter that Lazio sent to Cuomo - the likely but still undeclared Democratic candidate for governor - urging him to legally oppose the federal health package.

Levy told reporters this week that New York is unable to pay the extra money the new federal bill would require from states.
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no_hypocrisy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 02:11 PM
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1. Andrew Cuomo is likely running for governor. Not likely will he challenge the HCR.
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