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Missouri broadcasters ask AG to validate white supremacist's Senate candidacy

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 05:50 PM
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Missouri broadcasters ask AG to validate white supremacist's Senate candidacy
Missouri broadcasters ask AG to validate white supremacist's Senate candidacy

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By Dave Helling | The Kansas City Star

The Missouri Broadcasters Association has written state Attorney General Chris Koster asking him to determine whether white supremacist Glenn Miller is a "legally qualified" Senate candidate.

Miller, of Springfield, has filed as a write-in candidate for the office. He's bought time on several stations to air ads that demean Jews and non-whites, sometimes using racist language.

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Ozymanithrax Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-01-10 06:11 PM
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1. A little more informito about Glenn Miller aka Frazier Miller...
MBA takes Miller case to Missouri AG
Sableman’s request was simple: “So that MBA member broadcast stations may comply with federal law and FCC rules, the MBA respectfully requests a determination, by the state official that has the authority to decide, as to whether Mr. Miller is a ‘legally qualified candidate’ for U.S. Senate under Missouri law at this time, and if not now, when he would be so considered.”

Sableman brought up two other issues. First, the candidate’s name: “Additionally, there is some uncertainty as to Mr. Miller's name. The enclosed advertisements identify the candidate as Glenn Miller, but his dealings with Missouri broadcasters indicate that he also uses the name Frazier Miller in connection with his political campaign. Thus, we also respectfully request a determination whether Glenn Miller or Frazier Miller, if either, is a ‘legally qualified candidate.’ In addition, we seek a determination whether a candidate must be legally qualified under his legal name or whether a nickname or pseudonym may be used.”

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