Original post on FR. See if you can spot the flaws in this rocket scientist's logic. Part of the problem is that "Jeff Mays" on the "Black Spin" blog (author of the source article) is living up to the blog's title...follow the bold & red text below and you'll see. But genius freeper "Libloather" just laps it up like a happy kitten with a saucer full of milk:
Obama: Tea Party Has Valid Concerns
But Are on the 'Fringe' (Birth certificate not mentioned)BV Black Spin ^ | 3/31/10 | Jeff Mays
Posted on Friday, April 02, 2010 6:11:05 AM by Libloather
Obama: Tea Party Has Valid Concerns But Are on the 'Fringe'
By Jeff Mays on Mar 31st 2010 11:25AM
President Obama was being very kind when asked about the Tea Party on the 'Today' show. Treading carefully, as he should, Obama acknowledged that the group accused him, the leader of the most capitalist country in the world, of being a socialist (like that's a dirty word). They also carried on with the silly question of whether he was an American citizen. Obama said the group was "on the fringe" but stopped short of dismissing them outright.
"I wouldn't paint in broad brush and say that everybody who is involved or have gone to a tea party rally or meeting are somehow on the fringe," Obama said. "I think that there's a broader circle around that core group of people who are legitimately concerned about the deficit, who are legitimately concerned that the federal government may be taking on too much."
Very good, Mr. President. Stick to your talking points. But since he can't say what he's really thinking, I will.