"That is a Good Question" translated into everyday English means "I don't know". I first ran across these Battle Flags in a Book in the Johnstown Pa Public Library. All the Pictures of the Colored Regiments flags were in Black and White. Now the book was on ALL Pennsylvania Raised units. The White Unit flags had been kept in the State Capital since the end of the Civil War, but no one knows where the Colored Regimens flags ended up (Probably in some Soldier's grave, for his family could not think of a better place for a flag he had always had and no one else wanted, I am talking of 1900-1940 the height of segregation in the US).
I have NOT looked on line for the last few years but I see now others have posted some of these flags on line, AND someone used the 22nd US Colored Troops Flag as their own (It is the best of the African American Artist out of Philadelphia who did all of the Flags for the colored troops raised out of Pennsylvania). Places I would look for bumper stickers (or just a colored picture of the flag) would be as followed:
1. The Peter Mott House, where these pictures of the Unit was taken:
http://www.petermotthouse.org/museum.html2. The "2nd NJ Brigade" is the re-creation headquarters unit for the 22nd USCT:
http://www.2dnjbrigade.org/index2.aspThrough you may just want to steal a picture of their flag and use it:

Please note the obverse is DIFFERENT from the front:
http://www.2dnjbrigade.org/photos/cat.asp?iCat=42Lets add the Third USCT Flag (Motto: Rather die freemen than live to be slaves - 3rd United States Colored Troops):
http://loc.gov/pictures/item/98506817/The 25th USCT:"Strike for God and country"
http://loc.gov/pictures/item/98506833/The 45th Regiment, "One cause, One Country"
http://loc.gov/pictures/item/98506835/The 127 USCT "We Will Prove ourselves men":
http://popartmachine.com/studio/canvas.phpThis Battle Flag is considered one of the best, if not the best, of all the Regimental Flags of the Civil War. The artist (David Bustill Bowser) who did it was well known at the time of the Civil War and hand painted these flags himself.
The 6th USCT, both front and obverse: