Edited on Fri Apr-09-10 10:06 PM by nadinbrzezinski
"The American workingmen and other Americans as well have been too individualistic to cope effectively with the great and steady growing combination of capital." John Tracy Carlton. Organized Labor in American History, 1920: 30
Now think about this. Here you got the summary of our predicament. There are trends that go on for a long time. Carlton wrote these lines sixty years before PATCO. He wrote this sixty years before Reagan, and though the American people tend to be individualistic by nature, this is part of our national DNA, it is time to realize that we need to change somethings. One of them is our natural impulse to do things on our own and inventing the wheel anew every generation. The other is that like it or not, most of us are WORKING CLASS, not middle class, WORKING CLASS. So it time that you and I all start acting like it.
As Franklin wrote before the Revolutionary war, we either hang together, or hang apart, yes I am paraphrasing... but this is that point, where we need to WORK TOGETHER... and enough labor busting. You don't like a teacher... or an American Auto Worker... well you're next in line.
Now back to the readying and research. My, my, found the same file and downloaded it onto my IPOD since the Sony Reader is giving me a hell of a headache!!!!!