Alumnus of California university questions foundation that asked Palin to speak
By Michael Doyle | McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Sarah Palin came between Michael Leaveck and the school he loved; or, at least, was intimate with.
Now, this ex-Navy man and former Stanislaus State alumnus of the year is deployed on a new cause. Once a leader in the Vietnam Veterans of America and like-minded organizations, Leaveck is among the most outspoken opponents of Palin's scheduled June 25 appearance at California State University, Stanislaus.
The 63-year-old Leaveck returned his 1990 alumni award. He's stirring up the 2,886 members of a Facebook group formed to oppose Palin's appearance. He's using his fluency with tax documents to flag questions about the non-profit group that's bringing Palin to Turlock.
He's definitely not pulling his punches.
"I just went ballistic," Leaveck said, recounting his first reaction upon hearing of Palin's pending appearance. "Free speech is something I fully support, but what does she have to do with the university?"snip//
The Agent Orange program taught Leaveck about grants, foundations and the IRS Form 990, knowledge he now uses to question the California State University Stanislaus Foundation.
A scan through the foundation's 2008 tax documents, for instance, revealed to Leaveck and others that the foundation had declared $1.5 million bad debts. No further details were provided.
"I would want to get to the bottom of that," Leaveck said.A spokeswoman for the university and foundation was not available to comment Friday. Previously, officials have cited a March 25 statement from foundation president Matt Swanson declaring the university is "proud and honored" to have Palin speak.