Kent Conrad will gather around a table later this month to start work on a plan to defuse a ticking fiscal time bomb.
Conrad, North Dakota’s senior U.S. senator, is one of the 18 members of President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.
Their mission: come up with recommendations to curb the mounting federal deficit and debt by the end of the year.
“My mind is open,” Conrad said. “Everything is on the table. It’s critically important that we solve the problem.”
A major part of budget reform will be to address entitlement programs – Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – that face mushrooming costs stemming from the aging baby-boom generation and escalating health costs. Oh, I can see that this is gonna work well. Conrad did such a bang-up job with the health care bill.
There is nothing in the article that addresses the root cause of our financial crisis. Absolutely nothing. Two ongoing, unnecessary wars draining what's left of our credit.
The other thing, there is nothing about reining in our corporations, rescinding their "Person-hood". Getting our manufacturing jobs back into this country. Locking the revolving door and getting big business out of our government.
If they want 'Person-hood", then then need to be treated like real people when they commit their crimes. They're having it both ways now.
Re-regulating and breaking up our 'too big to fail' financial institutions. If they are to big to fail, they are too big... period.
Stop the corporate welfare and tax breaks that pays for them to 'out source'.
Address the obscene salaries and bonuses of upper management, while they cut wages and benefits of the workers.
Stop the wars and get our living wage, manufacturing jobs back in this country! That will go a long way towards fixing our financial mess. Do something positive for the little people for a change.