Now they are just getting annoying as hell....lol
Probably a dupe but I just find it so hard to believe that people actually believe this crap...
Dear President Obama: We are writing to tell you what millions of Americans—including many who supported your election—now believe. It is time for you to do your job—no more excuses, nor more blaming President Bush, no more confusing words with action. You won the election.
Start doing your job. Since your performance in office to date makes it clear that you do not understand what that job entails, let us respectfully explain.
Presidents are supposed to be good stewards. This means they are to take good care of what has been entrusted to them by the American people. As President of the United States and America’s steward, your job is to maintain our country’s position as leader of the free world and its future as an economic and military superpower. To do this, you are going to have to make some changes, and not those you vaguely promised during the presidential campaign. Mr. President, here are just a few of the changes Americans would like you to make:
• Stop apologizing for America. America owes no other nation an apology. Quite the contrary. Some of our harshest critics are the nations that owe us the most, including the freedom they are squandering through weakness and socialism.
• Stop bowing to foreign heads of state. You are the leader of the free world. Start acting like it.
• Stop confusing talk with action. Our enemies use your propensity for talking as a stalling tactic. While you talk, they use the time to strengthen their anti-American positions. For example, your talking has done nothing to deter Iran’s aggressive nuclear program.
• Stop viewing government as the answer to all problems. The reason President Clinton enjoyed several years of economic growth is that Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush knew that government was the problem not the solution and acted accordingly. Clinton was the beneficiary of their wisdom.
• Stop spending away America’s future. You came into office during difficult economic times and made the situation worse by several orders of magnitude. In less than 18 months you have transformed an economic giant into an economic invalid.
• Stop using words to obfuscate and prevaricate. Do not be confused by the praise of a fawning press, and stop confusing oration with communication. Stop obfuscating and prevaricating. If you want the American people to trust you, start communicating. Stop performing for the press and start saying what you mean in clear and unambiguous language.
• Stop blaming President Bush for your failures. George Bush is no longer president—you are. Stop campaigning and start governing.
• Stop confusing the affection of foreign leaders for respect. Foreign leaders like you in the same way a shark likes its prey. America needs its allies and enemies to respect you not like you.
• Stop using the military for socio-cultural experimentation. Having never served in the military, you have no idea of how your policies on homosexuality will affect those who serve. Stop listening to political admirals and generals and talk to a few privates, corporals, and sergeants.
• Stop confusing hope for a strategy. Hope will not create jobs, reduce the debt, or make America safe. If you really want to give Americans hope, get government out of the way and let the private sector do what it does best—create jobs.
• Stop talking vaguely about change. There is only one acceptable reason for making changes and that is to make things better. If your changes do not make things better for Americans, why make them? If you really think the changes you are making are improving the lives of Americans, get out of Washington, D.C. and talk to the millions of unemployed who still have no “hope” of finding jobs.
• Stop trying to force a healthcare bill on Americans who do not want it. No issue has come to symbolize your presidency more than healthcare reform. Reform may be needed, but none of the various versions of your healthcare reform bill come even close to the answer. True reform would result in better healthcare at lower costs. Your reform will result in a lower quality of care at higher costs and medical decisions being made by government bureaucrats.
• Stop ignoring Americans and start listening. You were elected as President of the United States, not King. We are your constituents not your subjects. Most of your policies fall far to the left of even the most moderate Americans. To ignore your constituents is arrogant at least. At worst it is tyranny. Mr. President there is one thing you have accomplished during your short time in office. You have managed to make Americans of allpolitical persuasions miss your predecessor, President George W. Bush. Congratulations.