squabbling and their donor base halved by a tea bagger split.
Even a 4 or 5 percent showing by a third party Bagger ticket would effectively take the Republicans out of enough swing state vote totals to hand Obama a second term.
I believe Palin is planning just such a third party movement right now. Todd is probably on the horn calling people up and stuff.
If Palin were somehow to win the Iowa caucus as a Republican she could run as a Bagger third party candidate even if she loses down the line that spring. She could jump ship at any time and still have time to make a splash before the filing deadlines for the general election. It could come as early as the night of the Iowa caucus or after South Carolina or whenever she and Todd thinks its a good time to jump.
If both Huckabee and Romney want the nomination and decide to fight for it, the fight is going to be one of those deep laceration affairs, with plenty of county Puke chair people at each other's throats long before Huck and Willard go at it in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. It's going to be ugly and sharp-toned. Blind-sided punches and rusty knives. There's no fading Giuliani and no idiot old fool McCain in between these two this time, and so if they both announce, it's going to be a cranium-cracking campaign leading up to the Iowa caucus.
What's going to be odd is if both Huckabee and Romney, for whatever reason, both decide not to seek the GOP nomination. Then Pawlenty, Barbour, Gingrich, Pence, Palin, and Santorum duke it out for dibs to the nom. "SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! TROGLODYTE HO-DOWN"!