I see a different angle, one that lets so called "moderate" GOP look reasonable, saying "look, we don;t like those teabag guys." You see Joe Scab and Elizabeth Hasselbeck do it all the time. Of course, this lets them put in the meme that the GOP actually does not stand for the Teabaggers, when those of us with a memory realize they have usually embraced them, especially when W. was president.
Of course, there is another side to this, because when these "moderates" get to separate themselves from the teabaggers, the liberals do not have that luxury, as they always have to play defense against the ludicorous actions of the teabaggers. In short, think of the teabaggers as suicide bombers or kamikaze, they know that as long as they can keep the enemy in frantic defense mode, they will not be able to shift into actually gaining control of newly won power. If the dems are kept on defense, they also know that Obama will not go on offense, because, sad to say, not only does he have the media against him, but also that there are many on the left that will also join in the attack. Note guys and gals, this does NOT mean we should not criticize and put pressure on Obama, but we have to admit, there are some that will glady join ranks with the teabaggers in the hopes that they can somehow "harness" their energy as Ted Rall put it.
Case in point, Jane Hamser had every right to condemn Obama for giving up too much, indeed, had every right to work with a GOP to drive the point home, but if she is naive enough to think helping someone like Grover Norquist, was not a bad choice, she is way too naive to get the respect she has. Grover Norquist is an unelected power broker that does not need to risk anything, so he could have easily gotten the better hand. Yet, there are some who simply say "we won, why hasn't anything changed yet" when the answer is, "only the EXTERNAL stuff changed. The set may be 21st century, but the play is still a Greek tragedy. Sadly, that is where our enemies have us beat: we think theater is beneath us, whether it is poltical hardball, or telling Joe Sixpack why the GOP are not really his friends. That is why (and ardent, this is a comment about people in general, not your op), That is why we still are left asking ourselves -->IF<--- something is a ploy, rather than setting up a counter move. Obama may try to play chess, and there are times he has done slick moves (like Sotomayor), BUT, you can't play chess when your enemies are playing hardball.