Major flip flop for her. She SUPPORTS A NATIONAL SALES TAX! matter. Life experiences matter.Bachmann: Right. We actually, this is a man-made, government-made disaster, this economic conundrum we’re in right now. We could see ourselves go forward next quarter already if we do a few things, if we would do this. If we would permanently zero out the capital gains tax for four years, so that we could let people know that for four years there would be zero capital gains tax. Take the business tax rate from the second highest in the world, 34%, and cut that down to 9% for a corporate tax rate, that would be bring in foreign investment and jobs back into the United States. Completely eliminate the death tax, completely eliminate the alternative minimum tax, and then I think that we need to bold on income tax. Scrap the income tax code, and put into place a tax system where everyone has to get in on the game.
Whether it’s through a national sales tax, or whether it’s through a flat tax, and my personal opinion, I’d love to see in our perfect world a flat tax rate that’s no more than 10% on any American on the federal level, and then that’s it. And then we would pull way back on our spending, including eliminating the federal department of education. We don’t need the federal department of education, that function needs to happen at the state level. And then we need to go through, dramatically change what government does, that we truly are a constitutional government acting under our enumerated powers, and then we do no more, because the number one duty of government is to protect the health and the safety of the American people, and we need to make sure that we focus on first things first.