from Gryphen at The Immoral Minority, April 10, 2010
Sarah Palin creates a brand new phrase, "Gore-gate"! Nope doesn't mean a thing, thanks for asking.
Here is the transcript (with some helpful clarifications):
And finally we should create a competitive climate for investments and renewables, and alternatives that are economical and doable and none of this "snake oil" science stuff that is based on this Global Warming Gore-gate stuff (WTF? Gore-gate? I thought they referred to this as Climate-gate.) that came down...where there was revelation (Biblical code word for the Dominionists in the crowd! You know who you are! ) that these scientists..some of these scientists were playing some political games, and..I...I sued the Feds over this...I sued the Feds as Governor for some bogus listing on the ESA, just about got run out of town of course by the environmentalists, but now we feel a little bit vindicated because we're realizing through...Gore-gate was some snake oil science involved in the data collection there (a complete misrepresentation of what the e-mails said ) ..the great energy innovation..that will replace the conventional energy resources is just not here yet..its not here yet, but it will be someday, and until that day we need out domestic resources to meet our needs (Which they currently don't because we use around 5 million barrels of oil per day yet burn up 19.5 million barrels per day ) and..that alternative..when it is will be here.. and it will be Americans who find it, Americans will invent this next source (sound of imbeciles slapping their palms together ) because (more ignorant clapping) we invented the modern oil well, we invented the telephone, we invented...the airplane, and personal computer..we put a man on the moooon! We invented the Internet, unless that was just another Gore-gate thing too (laughter ) but it is American ingenuity that made this country the envy of the world..we have the ingenuity..and it will be Americans pioneering a new era in energy..we have the resource, we have the ingenuity we have the best workers in the world. now all we need is the POLITICAL will (smattering of claps ) other words....there's nothin' STOPPING us from achieving energy independence that a good ole fashioned election can't fix! (Wild applause and crazy teabagger clapping )
Wow! That is not just word salad, that is word fruit salad!
Palin completely misrepresents the e-mails between the scientists working on climate change, rebrands it Gore-gate in order to get a cheap laugh out of a crowd that undoubtedly learned their science in Sunday school, and uses terms like "snake oil science" to feed into their ignorant mistrust of the educated. That is just fucking pathetic.
Sarah Palin has found the place that she feels the most comfortable which is speaking in rapid fire sound bites, and applause lines, while saying nothing of substance, to a crowd who really just came to gawk at her because she is the gaudiest clown in the circus. She has become an object of fascination, kind of like Eng and Chang Bunker or JoJo the Dogface Boy.
However while the Republicans might only be using her as a side show spectacle to help raise money, there are sadly some people who actually think the things she says are true. Those are the people that make Sarah Palin dangerous. They are not thinkers, they are believers. And like the tent revival preachers and televangelists who came before her Palin encourages these people to turn off their critical thinking and simply believe in her and the message that she brings.
By the way can somebody please explain to me how the words the President of the United States reads off of a teleprompter from a speech that all agree he usually has significant input in crafting is somehow less believable than the speech sitting on the lectern in front of Palin that clearly somebody else wrote for her and that she has to keep looking down to read? In the world of teabagging is seeing the top of a speakers head and hearing them constantly lose their place make them more authentic? I mean seriously, WTF?