So here is what I was supposed to post:
The Teabaggers are right. Government is too big and costs too much. Government (and as a consequence, government debt) has grown rapidly since about 1985.
And, now that the Christian right is out of power, Teabaggers see as we have all along that, as the government has grown bigger, the Teabaggers and the rest of the middle class have grown poorer and more indebted.
But the Teabaggers are wrong about the reason for the government's growth, and about who is getting the money.
I. The reason for the government's growth.
The tremendous growth in the government budget is not so much due to an increase in the activities of the government as to the privatization of governmental functions that could be performed at less cost and more efficiently by the government.
How was it before the growth in the size of government? In WWII, soldiers in the U.S. military cooked meals for their buddies or found food locally -- even at the front. Now, the U.S. hires a huge corporation like Halliburton to prepare meals and feed our soldiers.
Naturally, a company like Halliburton doesn't just step in and provide meals. The government has to hire bureaucrats to administer the contracts and oversee the work of the private companies.
Instead of one bureaucracy to do the job, we now have two. The private company has its bureaucracy, which it calls "management," and the government has its bureaucracy called civil servants or military employees.
Double effort. Double trouble. Costly and inefficient.
II. And where is the money going?
It's going into the pockets of fat cats like Dick Cheney and Ross Perot and a multitude of other bureaucrats who do government work but get paid like entrepreneurs -- at four or five times the wage of a government employee.
We have a new class: Bureaucrats that masquerade as corporate managers. They do not innovate, or at least they do not think up new methods or processes that government bureaucrats couldn't think of. They contract for routine government work, work that takes problem-solving ability, but little if any creativity -- work that is done in the name of the people that is only remotely controlled via duplicate sets of bureaucrats by the people's elected government. And they get paid like Rockefeller.
Obama took a big step in cutting the fat caused by privatization of government functions when he took the middle-men bankers out of the student loan business. Education is the public's business, the government's job. The banks served no purpose other than to add a layer of skimmers to the student loan transaction. Good riddance.
We need more big steps like the one taken on student loans. Put government on a diet: reduce the privatization of government functions.
So, when Teabaggers complain about high taxes and the fat in the government, they are right. But in that they fail to see what is causing the fat and who is getting their money, they are wrong.