Did you know that the real victims of -- well almost everything bad about America -- are not the poor, but the rich?
Oh my how they whine. The government is taxing them too much, regulators are forever telling them what they can and can’t do, lawyers keep suing them, ordinary investors are always griping about lost investments and gutted pension funds the rich manage for them. I mean, it’s amazing the rich can struggle out of bed each morning to face just another day of not only not being appreciated, but vilified and taxed.
At least that’s what you’d think if all you did was watch Fox News and read US Chamber of Commerce press releases. Which, of course, is precisely what members of the Tea Party do. They have little trouble understanding what they’re told on Fox since it’s being delivered to them by fellow-lowbrows like Glenn Beck. And, while the Chamber’s materials are a bit over their heads, the Tea Party herd hears the subliminal howl of woe.
Of course it’s all complete, utter nonsense, as is much of what the right is peddling these days. Just yesterday Newt The Gingrich proclaimed that the GOP should be for, “creating more jobs with more tax cuts.” One has to wonder what will happen if the GOP every succeeds in getting the tax rate down to zero? Because there will still be plenty of trouble in America and what will their solution be once “cut taxes” is not their cure-all?
I have no idea if Tea Baggers can read financial charts, or whether they simply dismiss charts that conflict with their cherished beliefs. But if they look at the Nation Magazine chart linked below, and get it, they might just understand they are being used. But even as these social vampires suck the fiscal life blood from them, these glassy-eyed conservative believers cheerfully run interference for them. I don’t recall who said, “Religion was invented so the poor don’t kill the rich,” but I think he/she was on to something.
Anyway, here’s how we are really treating those rich whiners: