Edited on Sun Apr-11-10 07:19 PM by ThomWV
If I ruled the world this is how it would be.
To operate as a Corporation in the United States would require a Federal corporate charter and one could not be had unless the applicant could make a case for serving the public good. Then, if during the conduct of business if any employee of that corporation dies while on the job, from any cause what so ever - I do not care if it is a bolt of lightening out of nowhere on a cloudless day, a heart attack for a part time teen-ager on the summer payroll. a death is a death - the corporate charter would be dissolved and none of the corporate officers would ever again be allowed to serve as officers for any chartered corporation. There would be an absolute zero tolerance for death in the workplace, no exceptions.
By gawd, that would put a quick drop in the number deaths in the workplace.