Edited on Sun Apr-11-10 08:23 PM by woodsprite
This was her classification and division example. She earned a 94% (tense issues were cited), but her teacher especially liked the term 'Palinators". ------------------- The Liberal's Guide to Republicans
Throughout the years, the term Republican has drastically changed. When Lincoln was president, the Republican party stood for good old fashioned American values. Somewhere along the line, that changed. The once Grand Old Party (GOP) now believes that the "rich shall inherit the earth" and the rest can go fly a kite. This is only one category though. Other all-American groups include the Gun Nuts, Teabaggers, Dark Agers, Palinators, Birthers, Right-to-lifers, Wingnuts and Republicrats.
The term gun-nut is pretty self explanatory. These are the people that have the twelve different guns on a rack by their bed. They don't necessarily need that many, but it makes them feel powerful. It gives them a false sense of security, or it just may be that they need to compensate for something. They're all for second amendment rights, they belong to the NRA, and they will hunt you down. Their policy is to shoot first and ask questions later.
The lovely teabagging group is fairly new to the Republican scene. Unfortunately for them, they didn't look up the definition before they used it. It's too late now that they've proclaimed it to the world. However, they are trying to change it to something catchy like the "Donkey Punchers."
Dark-ager is a term reminiscent of Christian conquests by daring knights. In a way the Republicans of this group are like that, except without the daring knights. The Dark age Republicans are the ones that don't believe in any science. This includes the Scientology group. Other sub-groups that it contains are the Creationists and the Anti-Climate Changers. The Creationists are those people that are on the news every once in a while that make the viewers worry about the future of mankind. They believe that dinosaurs existed in the same time period as Jesus. Oh, and the Earth is only 6,000 years old. On the other hand, the Anti-Climate Changers are the people that deny that the ice caps have started melting. They'll happily tell you that there is no such thing as global warming, in fact it's getting colder.
The next two categories were actually created by this past presidential election. It's going on two years and people are still on the issues from the election. First there are the Palinators. This distinguished group believes in a folksy sort of America. The one where every woman hunts polar bears from helicopters and can see Russia from their window. Where "the gay" is like a disease that is curable. These are the supporters of the wannabe presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Then there are the Birthers. Those are the weirdos that claim that President Obama is born in Kenya. The ones that stand up in town hall meetings and demand to know what their local congressman will do about that Kenyan in the White House.
Amidst all these other groups, there is one that stands out with it's ferocity. These people truly take supporting their beliefs to the highest level. They are the Right-to-lifers. Apparently little conglomerations of cells deserve rights, so women should not get abortions. Calling people names such as "baby killer" is not unheard of from such a "respectable" group as this.
The Wingnuts are the fundamentalist christian groups that follow the republican party media blindly. If Rush Limbaugh said that they'd be saving thousands of children by eating rotten salmon for a year, they would do it. Their only defense for what they do is what they hear on TV. If it's on FOX news, then they'll probably use it to try and justify the way they act. These are the brainwashed zombies that the media relies on to keep them up and running. Especially when they have shows like the O'Reilly Factor.
Republicrats are the so-called Democrats that should change their party association. They are the reason why the government doesn't get anything done. People like Joe Lieberman and the Democrats of the DLC fall into this category. This means that their viewpoints are either too conservative to belong in the Democrats or they side too often with the Republicans.
Overall, Republicans can still be described as the conservative, gun-toting, religious-crazed people they were in the twentieth century. Many of the terms used today to describe them are relatively new. However, they require the same amount of attention that they have always needed. Yes, there certainly can be good, old-fashioned, sane Republicans, but they are definitely outnumbered. However, with so much at stake, it's wise not to "misunderestimate" any of them.