I used to get long essays all the time of a conservative bent detailing some sort of outrage about liberals or detailing the heroics of some conservative.
To a one, they were all lies and easily disproved. I would reply all, detailing the lies, explaining why they were lies, and mocking the people who believed them. A lot of these came from family members - my uncle and aunt finally stopped sending them to me after they said something about something about different perceptions based on political parties, and I replied back that lies were lies no matter what, and there is a commandment against bearing false witness (they're very religious). Some cousin I hardly know said she was blocking me and told me my father is rolling in his grave because of my opinions. I asked her, "So you're telling me my dad, who was president of his iron workers union and who hated Reagan with a passion was a stupid person who believed lies like you?" Mom still routinely forwards me stuff from family members for me to debunk.
One of the things I debunked was something a niece (when she was in high school) sent out. It was a list of stupid quotes by famous people - some real; some not. I corrected the fake ones and noted that the author had attributed a bunch of Dan Quayle quotes to Al Gore to make Al Gore look as stupid as Dan Quayle. A classmate of hers took exception and carried on an email conversation with me for 6 months constantly threatening to kick a mudhole in my chest and demanding my (unlisted) phone number and address. Like I would be that stupid. My niece eventually had to do a group school project with him and showed him a picture of me on her phone. She said that after he saw I was 4 times his size and told her to tell me he was just kidding. :)
Anyway, never have I seen anything approaching anything close to the conservative BS I get. It's proof to me that conservatism just doesn't work, and they have to lie about it constantly.