Edited on Mon Apr-12-10 07:13 PM by A HERETIC I AM
Something to the effect;
"OK, you got your change. I'll keep my Bible and my God And hide my guns and my money"
On the bumper of a customers pickup truck, so I had to be polite (read - not mention it)
But what a fucking dipshit. This guy works for one of the largest landowners in the State of Florida, probably makes maybe $100K a year, lives on a 10 acre plot of his own out in the country and for some reason thinks because Democrats are in control, some scary "Democrat" is going to bother to come all the way out to his place and take his god, guns, bible and money. What is really funny is that he is worried about possible tax changes and such that WON'T EVEN AFFECT HIM! Just his boss. Oh, and some "Tree Hugger" might make it more difficult for him to hunt alligators.
That's right pal, vote Republican next time, just like you always have and keep watching your standard of living slip away.
Mine too, as I deliver your goods to you, all the way out in the sticks at a rate cheaper than any other means, at a rate of pay less than half of what I was making in 1988.
For the record, I've gone through a radical career change and back again over the last 4 years, coupled with 6 months unemployment. I've just started working again for a local industrial supply company driving a straight truck, delivering steel, pipe and assorted other items to farms, groves and machine shops. I put this in small type and not as a thread because I'm not proud of what has happened and I find no joy in announcing it in a thread as others have done. c'est la guerre.