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A Pathetic Joe Lieberman whines to John Brennan about not calling terrorists "Islamic Extremists"
By John Amato Monday Apr 12, 2010 11:00am
Joe Lieberman was acting like a petulant child on FOX News Sunday when he talked about a letter he sent to John Brennan, which scolded the White House for omitting the phrase "Islamic extremism" from a national security document.
This is playing to his FOX News and right wing hawkish base, but only Michael Savage would care about this. He sounded more like a wannabe Rush Limbaugh talk show host than an elected (unfortunately) member of Congress. And because his argument makes no sense at all.
The Connecticut independent revealed that he wrote a letter Friday to top counterterrorism adviser John Brennan urging the administration to "identify accurately the ideological source" of the threat against the United States. He wrote that failing to identify "violent Islamist extremism" as the enemy is "offensive."
The letter was written following reports that the administration was removing religious references from the U.S. National Security Strategy -- the document that had described the "ideological conflict" of the early 21st century as "the struggle against militant Islamic radicalism."
Lieberman told "Fox News Sunday" this isn't the first time the Obama administration has tried to tiptoe around referring to Islam in its security documents and that it's time to "blow the whistle" on the trend.
"This is not honest and, frankly, I think it's hurtful in our relations with the Muslim world," Lieberman said. "We're not in a war against Islam. It's a group of Islamist extremists who have taken the Muslim religion and made it into a political ideology, and I think if we're not clear about that, we disrespect the overwhelming majority of Muslims who are not extremists."
Would any person in law enforcement or national security do anything differently in protecting the country against an attack if the label that was being used is changed? Nope.
And did you catch the creepy grin that came over his face when he was talking about blocking the new Nukes treaty if he didn't get his way there either?