I consider it a test of our character.
There are people in this world who will always be wrong and are completely unredeemable. The Freepers and the Teabaggers are people who have gone totally out of their way to be wrong on just about every issue. And, in some ways, that is a GOOD THING!
DUers are people who value truth above lives, facts over fantasy, justice over injustice, tolerance over intolerance, compassion over selfish greed and decency over blind hatred. We also have this tendency to think that people would come to their senses IF they opened their minds and saw things from a factual and intelligent perspective. Knowing that we have the capacity to think for ourselves and independently come our own conclusions, it's only natural that that some of us think this as a universal trait.
It's an admirable supposition and yes, that's what we are wont to do. However unfortunately, freepers and teabaggers are incapable of doing this at all, as they are completely governed by fear and hatred and a dependence on authoritarian mind control, i.e., Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox News.
I'm sorry, but to think that they'd come to their senses when given the benefit of our approach to any given situation is the height of naivety.
They have made a conscious decision to be a bunch of cowardly, hateful, wrong-headed morons. And the fact that these good-for-nothing, low-browed half-wits have taken upon themselves to be so blindly and fervently opposed to mere common sense and decency should be a surefire sign that, (a) we must be doing something right and (b) they're all hopeless causes.
I don't make it a habit of checking in with them to gauge every decision and position, knowing full well that their bitching and moaning is coming from the depths of their own cluelessness. I do find that their bullshit does come in handy from time to time. This is because I prefer to think of them as sociological reverse barometers.
It's as simple as that.
Now, since these are suckers who are continually and faithfully falling for the lies of Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and Fox News; do we actually think that it's a good idea for these people, who are so willingly stupid, to actually like us?
Of course, not.
Should we waste our precious time trying to get these hopeless brain donors to stop being the hateful fuckwits that they so gladly are?
Definitely, NOT!
Look, these fools are going to have to be taken, kicking and screaming, into a world that being fixed from the fuckupness of their Republican masters. Frankly, I take this as a good sign that they're not happy about this situation at all.
Now, whether we all agree or disagree that things are going right or wrong, at least most of us approach these viewpoints from a more factual perspective, firmly rooted in our core values of peace, justice, equality and basic common sense. How WE mix it up amongst ourselves is not an issue in regards to how the teabaggers and freepers view us.
But, as long as those wrong-headed assholes take it upon themselves to oppose all what we know is right, then we should take it as faith that we're doing at least something right.
Rather than trying to be their unwilling saviors, I'm convinced that DU's role must be that of a vanguard against all the wrongness that they go out of their way to promote.