Recently, we have seen a slight change in the rhetoric of the GOP, nothing seismic, in fact, if one is not paying attention, it is barely perceptible.
A portion of the negativity has moved out of the daily diatribes from the Babbling Baboon Squad.Bachmann for one has dropped her insane garbage about the Census, although I'm sure that several GOP colleagues pointed out, that if MN lost a district because it was under-counted, it would most assuredly be her district. For a person that does not care about employment and job creation, she certainly wants to keep hers. Bachmann is scared to death of leaving the national stage, becoming just one more citizen that has no viable skills to look for honest work. She claims to be a lawyer, then again so does Coulter; both of them failed at that career choice, so both of them just run on inanely in the public sphere, proving that an education is not all there is to living, as well as the point that education only works when an individual has more that 5 firing synapses.
Where is Boehner? After his outburst on the House floor, providing those of us who watched that marathon over HCR, the only bit of comedic relief, he has been hiding out, quietly. No more, "Hell no, you cant'!" Grassley is sitting in a corn field in Iowa some place, hidden away as a scarecrow, (FWIW, scarecrows don't work either). Ensign is trying to keep the lid on a pot kettle that is about to explode, so no squealing from him. McConnell has pulled his head back into his shell...
Their Epiphany, they have nothing, and the more they brag about, the worse chances that will have in the Mid-Term. The Road to Damascas Moment has arrived, and they turned off the road and set up camp in the wilderness...not bad...:D