An email wandered into my inbox pointing to this site. first glance, it looks totally Tea-Party. Lots of flags, references to "patriots," anti-tax rhetoric.
But you read further down, and it seems to be an anti-corporate message in clever plastic disguise: "The 15th day of EACH and EVERY month boycott corporations! ... DON'T BUY ANYTHING FROM LARGE CORPORATIONS, FAST FOOD PLACES, Corporate ONLINE STORES, ETC. ... Put your savings in locally owned banks. ... "WE THE PEOPLE" RENOUNCE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT AND SLAVERY. "WE THE PEOPLE" WILL NO LONGER BE PAWNS IN WARS THAT PROFIT THE FEW AT OUR EXPENSE. "WE THE PEOPLE" WILL STAND, UNITED IN PEACE FOR THE CAUSE OF FREEDOM."
So what the heck is going on? Is somebody trying to con the more well-intentioned Tea Partiers into coming over to the light side?
Or could it be a bit more dubious than that? Some of the all-caps rhetoric has an almost-familiar ring to it. LaRouchies maybe?
I'd sure like to know.