Apr 13, 2010 1:22 pm US/Pacific
Students Find Palin Speech Contract In Trash
Sarah Palin will get first-class airfare for two and three rooms at a luxury hotel when she gives a speech in June for a university foundation.
And organizers better not forget to stock her lectern with two water bottles and bendable straws,
The details of Palin's contract with the California State University, Stanislaus Foundation were contained in five pages of the document retrieved from a campus trash bin by students who heard administrators might be shredding documents related to the speech.
State Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, provided copies of the paperwork Tuesday.
Among other perks, Palin will fly first class -- if she flies commercial. If not, "the private aircraft MUST BE a Lear 60 or larger ...," the contract specifies. She also must be provided with a suite and two single rooms in a deluxe hotel.
CSU Students Find Palin's Contract In Trash
California State Senator Pushes For Disclosure
POSTED: 11:56 am PDT April 13, 2010
UPDATED: 12:39 pm PDT April 13, 2010
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- The flare-up over Sarah Palin's scheduled speech on a California State University campus has taken a fresh twist after students uncovered a portion of her confidential contract.
The document, which the students said they recovered from a campus Dumpster, does not include her compensation for the June 25 speech to the CSU Stanislaus Foundation.
It does specify other requirements to be provided by the foundation. They include round-trip, first-class airfare for two, a suite and two rooms at a deluxe hotel, and transportation via SUVs or black town cars.
It also requires that Palin's lectern be stocked with water bottles and bendable straws.
The CSU Stanislaus students said they acted on a tip that documents were being shredded inside the main administration building last Friday, a day that campus staff was supposed to be on furlough.