BBCThe South Korean government is introducing policies aimed at curbing the amount of time children spend playing online games.
The first involves barring online gaming access to young people of school age between 12am (midnight) and 8am.
The other policy suggests slowing down people's internet connections after they have been logged on to certain games for a long period of time.
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Midnight? I might prefer 10PM. Internet addiction is a prominent issue in South Korea; this year a couple was convicted of negligent homicide for playing online virtual baby game while starving their baby to death. PBS's "Frontline" had a piece about
gaming addition in SK, too.
Meanwhile, back in the States, our own president has complained about video games too.
As a Senator/candidate in 2008, he said: "
Games our raising our kids"
He also
said during his presidential campaign: "We're going to have to parent better, and turn off the television set, and put the video games away, and instill a sense of excellence in our children, and that's going to take some time."