from AlterNet:
Posted by brucewilson at 3:01 pm
April 13, 2010
“Gay Demon” Exorcist Cindy Jacobs To Share Stage With Virginia GOP Attorney General Ken CuccinelliAs noted last night on the Rachel Maddow Show, Virginia GOP Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and evangelist Cindy Jacobs will be appearing (and, it would seem, sharing a stage together) at the Freedom Federation anti-health care reform Awakening 2010 conference, scheduled to be held at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia this April 15th and 16th. Noting Cuccinelli’s plan to attend the conference Maddow observed, “A lot of conservative politicians admit they want to repeal health reform, but it takes a brave new Virginia style conservative politician to say they want to repeal health reform while appearing at an event with a faith healer — repeal and replace indeed.”
People For The American Way’s Kyle Mantyla has posted footage of Cindy Jacobs’ attempts at faith healing of HIV and cancer during a March 2010 conference in Dallas but Jacobs is not just a faith healer. As shown in video footage from the 18th International Transformation Network Institute on Nation Transformation conference, held October 2008 in Mar del Plata, Argentina, Cindy Jacobs claims the power to cast out gay demons. During an October 7, 2008 evening ceremony at the conference Jacobs conducted a mass exorcism, casting out not only “spirits” of homosexuality but also spirits of pornography, addiction, lust, bisexuality, and perversion. (below: exorcism of "homosexual spirits" begins 40 seconds into video)
Watch: Jacobs’ purported exorcism and faith healing powers are part of, writes authority on Christian Zionism Rachel Tabachnick, an entire new health care paradigm emerging on the evangelical right in which the first recourse for almost any malady, imagined or real, is faith healing and exorcism.
Jacobs is also fond, it would seem according to the following account from a book by her close colleague C. Peter Wagner, of burning statues of Catholic saints, rosary beads, Books of Mormon, “totem poles,” and a wide range of other
assorted religious and mystical items.
In Wagner’s book Hard-Core Idolatry – Facing the Facts (1999, published by the Wagner Institute of Practical Ministry), on pages 38 and 39 Peter Wagner describes how the Holy Spirit came to Cindy Jacobs and “told her that told her that in Resistencia they must burn the idols, like the magicians did in Ephesus. Ed Silvoso, Cindy Jacobs and the Resistencia pastors agreed.” .........(more)
The complete piece is at: