need a federal jobs program that would transfer wealth to middle and low income families. This is the story of 1938 to 1946 when idle wealth was poured into federal bonds and transferred to working families. During the war years we had under 2 percent unemployment for three years due primarily to government-sponsored job creation. If you check you can find details that show the top one percent's share of wealth fell from 44 percent in 1929 to 27 perecent in 1949.
We won World War II, and now we should win another. We can create public service employment, put low income workers back to work, provide services our nation needs, and restore a lost balance to our income and wealth divided nation.
There are several proposals; Rutgers University Professor Phillip Harvey calls for spending $666 billion dollars annually to create 18 million jobs paying $14 an hour with benefits. Such a powerful plan would create full employment, and spark private sector re-employment. A much higher tax, affecting just