Prof. Oliver K. Manuel
University of Missouri-Rolla
College of Arts & Sciences
Radioanalytical & Nuclear
Nuclear Cosmo-ChemistryAppointed: 1964
these are his qualifications:
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, Physics and Mass Spectrometry, 1964.
Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Nuclear Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, 1963.
M.S., University of Arkansas, Nuclear Chemistry, 1962.
B.S., Kansas State College, Pittsburg, Kansas, Chemistry and Mathematics, 1959.
And this is a small sample of his expertise and research interests:
Expertise and Research Interests
Measurements* on the masses (nuclear packing fractions) of all 3000 stable and radioactive atoms and on their abundances in the solar wind, in solar flares, in the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and in meteorites reveal that:
a. Repulsive interactions between neutrons in the solar core cause neutron-emission, neutron-decay, and partial fusion of the decay product to generate solar luminosity and the observed outpouring of solar neutrinos and solar-wind Hydrogen from the solar surface: The Sun is a magnetic plasma diffuser that selectively moves lightweight elements like Hydrogen and Helium and lightweight isotopes of each element into the photosphere. These lightweight atoms cover the neutron-rich cores and iron-rich interiors of ordinary stars and fill interstellar space with H and He, just as electrons fill atomic space. A local supernova (SN) explosion ago gave birth to the Solar System and its elements: Combined U-Pb and Pu-Xe age shows that the SN explosion occurred five (5) billion years ago: The Sun, the Earth, the other planets, and meteorites formed directly from fresh SN debris: i) Iron meteorites and the iron cores of the terrestrial planets formed from material orbiting nearby; ii) Silicates formed further from the Sun; iii) Light elements (H, He, C, N) from the SN envelope formed the giant gaseous planets; and iv) The Sun formed on the remnant neutron star: f. The most abundant elements in the Sun are the same ones that are most abundant in ordinary meteorites and rocky planets: Iron (Fe), Oxygen (O), Nickel (Ni), Silicon (Si) and Sulfur (S).
g. Solar neutrinos do not oscillate away before reaching detectors! Measurements of double-beta decay rates confirm that the conservation laws of nature remain valid over the longest measurable time scale (~10^24 years for double beta-decay of tellurium-128).
h. Solar cycles and changes in Earth's climate are induced by interaction of the Sun's dense, energetic neutron core with the planets as they move in ever-changing orbits and jerk the Sun, like a yo-yo on a string, about the center-of-mass-of the Solar System.
Key findings are available in the following papers and hyper-links:
1. "Noble gases in the Fayetteville meteorite,"
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 31, 2413-2431 (1967). "Mass fractionation and isotope anomalies in neon and xenon,"
Nature 227, 1113-1116 (1970); doi:10.1038/2271113a0 "The xenon record of extinct radioactivities in the Earth,"
Science 174, 1334-1336 (1971); 10.1126/science.174.4016.1334 "The role of isotopic mass fractionation in the production of
noble gas anomalies in lunar fines from the Apollo 15 mission",
Proceedings of Third Lunar Science Conf, vol. 2, 1927-1945 (1972). "Xenon in carbonaceous chondrites",
Nature 240, 99-101 (1972);
CODEN: NPSCA6; ISSN: 0300-8746
6. "Double beta-decay of tellurium-128",
Physical Review 11, 1378-1384 (1975).