If you don't have a job or a home, the fact that the White House and congress are Democratic is no comfort. The differences between the parties can be hard to see, especially given the need for Democrats to get as much corporate funding to achieve power as the gop.
The Democrats can be frustrating. They seem to need 60 Senate votes for everything when republicans can rubber stamp legislation with 51, thanks to cooperating Dems. Laws that mean well get bogged down by compromise, and some issues get put on the back burner. With all these faults, I'll still take them over republicans in a second.
The republicans are easy to figure out, and to oppose. They want to enrich the rich at all costs, the enviroment, middle class and poor be damned. They align themselves with the socially regressive to get votes since they can't run on helping the rich.
We're currently stuck between these two choices. The two party system is self reinforcing. If one party blinks, the other wins. It's like two guys holding a huge stone over their heads, the first one to put his arms down gets bonked on the head, so they just stand there.
To improve things, we need to make the Democratic party better, not just bigger. This will take a long time, much like fixing Bush's mess.