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Is Palin "de-funding" the right wing?

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Union Yes Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-28-10 04:44 AM
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Is Palin "de-funding" the right wing?
Edited on Wed Apr-28-10 04:58 AM by Union Yes
She made $12 million in the past year selling books and giving for-profit speeches. She's paid 1 mil a year from Faux.

Rimjob has to beg FR for a very long fundraising drive that still hasn't met it's goal.

Is the working class right going broke? Working wingnuts buying up Palins books but can't keep their mothership website funded?

Is the bloodsucker from Wasilla de-funding their working class drones so they can't afford to donate?

GOP fundraising should be interesting if FR is any indication.

Fundraising was a bad issue for the GOP in '08.

EDIT: This OP is in part a jest. I know how wealthy parts of the RW establishment are. I'm just curious as to why the GOP is having trouble with fundraising. So is freeperville.
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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-28-10 04:53 AM
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1. Different Strokes Different Folks...
Those who are throwing money at Mooselini surely aren't "working class right"...not the advertisers on Faux Noise such as the US Chamber of Commerce. Neither are the various "foundations" that have thrown money at her, too...many are top heavy with names like Koch, DeVos and other fat cat GOOPers...the "establishment".

If there's a need for money, the GOOPers will find it...their pockets remain very deep as they continue to do the dirty work of the corporates and are well rewarded for it. Many of them are now getting a lot of "love" from the big banks thanks to their obstruction of financial reform, next will come a shakedown of the climate change deniers and the corporates that rely on "illegals" for their profits. The list is long.

Mooselini is grifting on anyone and everyone who she can exploit. Two different money streams...
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