Interesting that it was an article about wind power,
was it a coincidence they just ran a hit piece on wind power? /
One myth about the Washington Post: It still practices serious journalism
No myth: Wind power HAS reduced Denmark's CO2 emissions a lot
April 27, 2010
The Washington Post has adopted many strategies to stave off its collapsing circulation. It has, for instance, gone tabloid, repeatedly publishing falsehood-filled op-eds by Sarah Palin, including one on climate science!
It also strains to print an unconventional “contrarian” analysis ever week in its “5 Myths” series, which is supposedly “a challenge to everything you think you know.” Of course, lots of what you know is true, and that means the Post has to print lots of stuff that isn’t.
This Sunday, the Post published its most nonsensical piece in the series, “5 Myths about green energy.“ They farmed out the task to the right wing Manhattan Institute, which, surprise, surprise, has received $800,000 from the big-time polluters at Koch Industries in recent years, on top of money from ExxonMobil. It’s no surprise Big Oil and polluters fund right-wing disinformation. And I suppose it’s no longer a surprise that the Post reprint their misinformation as fact.