This story was run on the local (NW Arkansas) news this morning. It got me thinking about how much the total bill for corporate welfare must be, including all states and the federal tax 'incentives'. So I went looking for something in print.
I found this story about the minority Democrats in Oklahoma and their plan to cut some of those incentives.<snip>
Democratic members of the Oklahoma House of Representatives today presented a plan to fill the billion-dollar deficit in the state budget for the coming year without damaging job cuts and service reductions.
Prompted by three months without any apparent progress by the majority party in dealing with the budget, Democrats today said Republicans have been willing to impose cuts of up to 10 percent on spending for the agencies and departments that provide important services to state residents, but have failed to consider cuts in the area where spending by government has increased the most, tax expenditures.
Tax expenditures is a category which includes tax breaks and loopholes of all kinds, such as incentive programs, credits, exemptions and deductions. Spending on tax breaks has increased by approximately $1 billion over a two-year period, and now total $5.6 billion per year, an amount nearly equal to the entire annual state budget. The bulk of the increase has gone to corporate recipients.
“At a time when we are asking our parents and children to accept teacher firings and larger class sizes, when we are asking our senior citizens to make do with less food, when we are asking everyone to make sacrifices, we cannot afford to continue running giveaway programs that provide dubious results,” said Rep. Scott Inman, D-Del City, House Minority Leader-elect.
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I can't locate a compilation of all 50 states. I found a pdf from the Tax Foundation, but it uses an 'index' to rank those states most favorable to corporations and doesn't have the total tax 'incentive' amounts. Found a marvelous chart on California's expected $2 Billion a year loss of revenue due to these tax breaks. ( )
If you have any information on your state's gifts to corporations, I'd like to hear from you.