Yesterday we had a family gathering at our house because some aunts and uncles on my wife's side of the family wanted to come over and see the new baby. Now, bear in mind that with the exception of my wife (who is a reformed Republican), my wife's entire family is nothing but mouth-breathing Republicans who listen to Rush Limbaugh and leave their TVs set on Faux News 24 hours a day. These are the same people that spent an entire dinner last year lamenting the horrors we were about to experience when Obama and the Democrats inflicted Socialized Medicine on the country. OK, flash forward to yesterday.
There was nothing blatantly offensive said, which was refreshing. I think they figured that it should just be a nice family gathering where they did nothing but dote on the baby. So in that way, it wasn't too bad. However, there was a point in the conversation that became very, very telling as far as I was concerned. My wife's father mentioned a medical procedure he'd had performed the day before, and the conversation turned to health insurance and Medicare, and who was paying what, etc. TO A PERSON, EVERY LAST ONE of my wife's Socialism-hating family talked about how much of their various medical procedures MEDICARE was covering. There was also plenty of talk about how much Medicare would cover if you were receiving SOCIAL SECURITY (which most of them were), except for my wife's mother, who was receiving STRS (State Teachers Retirement System). And here's an even better part: TO A PERSON, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM talked about how much MORE they had to pay through private insurance than Medicare, and how much more they liked dealing with Medicare because private insurance companies just gave them the run-around and endless paperwork, and then usually ended up denying their claims anyway.
And here's the little cherry on top: one of the most rabidly Republican (and "anti-Socialist") of them all even said they were thinking about just dropping their private insurance altogether. When she was asked what she would do for health insurance, she just said go with the "government package" (which I assume meant Medicare). And when she was asked, "how much more would you have to pay for that," she answered, "Nothing. It's free."
Oh, how I wanted to jump in and point out their hypocrisy to them, but I didn't feel like rocking the boat. Besides, I HOPED that it was plenty obvious for them without my pointing it out. I'm sure they're smart enough to know that Medicare is government-run health insurance. So, while they parrot back the "government-run healthcare is BAD!!! BAD!!!" talking point out of one side of their mouths, every last one of them sits back, accepts Medicare, and then raves about how wonderful it is.
You gotta love Republicans. They're so big on consistency.