join us in telling Gov. Brewer of Arizona, President Obama and Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano that racial profiling is wrong, no matter who it targets.
Here is the text of the petitions we'll present to Arizona Governor Brewer, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, and President Barack Obama:
Dear Governor Brewer, Secretary Janet Napolitano, and President Obama,
I am writing to express my outrage about the recently passed law in Arizona that legalizes and encourages racial profiling.
Americans of all races and ethnicities -- especially Black Americans -- know the harm that racial profiling has caused this country. I am shocked and dismayed that Arizona lawmakers have required local law enforcement to stop and question anyone they suspect is an undocumented immigrant.
Racial profiling is wrong, period. It's shameful that in 2010 Arizona's government has passed a law that will compel police to treat an entire community of people as potential criminals. SB 1070 is an attack on all of our civil rights and it sets back the progress African-Americans and other minorities have made in overcoming discrimination and inequality, and securing equal treatment under the law.
I urge you to reject racial profiling as a solution to any problem.
Thank you!