And the powers that be in Oklahoma have declared themselves highly interested in the health and general well-being of at least half their citizens, I have a few proposals of my own to make that will make Oklahomans the fittest motherfuckers in the country:
1. At every barbecue pit, steak house, or other purveyor of beef, patrons must sit through a presentation of modern methods of beef raising, including environmental impacts of factory beef farming, the amount of water, feed, and land required to bring a pound of beef to the table, and an in-depth documentary of beef processing as practiced by industry giants.
2. Every pack or carton of cigarettes will be accompanied by a presentation of the effects of nicotine on the smoker, its addictive qualities, the effect of long-term tobacco use, the increase in incidence of cancer of the lungs and other organs, the effect of smoking on the heart and circulatory system, and a documentary showing a operation to remove cancerous lung tissue from a smoker, along with the estimate cost of such a procedure. If the purchaser has children, both the smoker and the children must view a film on the effects of second hand smoke and the increase in smoking-related disease and death to persons exposed to cigarette smoke in their environment.
Similarly, every fast food joint, carnival food court, and other convenience food seller will have to make a presentation to each and every customer on the health effects of fried and fatty foods, including statistics on the incidence of diabetes, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related diseases.
I think should do for a start. When I have a couple of minutes, I'll make other proposals that the legislature should consider, seeing their touching concern for the health and well-being of the women of their fine state.