Watching Bush always makes me feel in need of a shower, and I just can’t afford the gas bills. His smarmy praise of Nancy Pelosi, while at the same time jabbing a stiff finger in their ribs by referring to the “Democrat Leadership”, and making Tim Johnson’s health into a major political issue, was enough for me. (Clue: There is no ‘Democrat Party’ – there is only a Democratic Party. ‘Democrat party’ has long been a term of derision within the ‘Repub party’. It was most often used by Dick Nixon - another very popular president.)
It thought it would be more useful at this point, rather than discussing the state of the union – which everyone knows is in the crapper – or going over his laundry list of rehashed pipe dreams, to discuss instead the highly delusional state of George Bush.
Let’s put it this way: If Bush could convince himself Republicans would win the last election even though all the polls screamed otherwise. If he could convince himself that attacking a nation that was no threat to us is the same as defending our nation against terrorists. If he could convince himself that we’re winning a war that everyone knows is lost. If he could convince himself that torturing and killing innocent Iraqis is the same as liberating them. If he can convince himself that continually lying to our nation is in our interest rather than his own. If he can convince himself that taking away our most basic freedoms is the same as defending them. If he can convince himself that constantly putting himself above the law is the same as preserving the rule of law. If he can convince himself of all these things and a whole lot more, the real question becomes - what bald-faced lie won’t he believe? How did he get this way? And what sort of danger are we really in?
Bush is delusional because his view of reality isn’t based upon any search for the truth or recognition of the facts – it’s grounded in his own greed, lust for power, and an unreasonably exalted view of his own judgement and natural abilities.