Keith Olbermann
President Bush continues to rationalize sending more troops into Iraq, in part anyway, by evoking the war on terror.
He did it again in last week’s State of the Union address.
The president again claimed credit for the government for having stopped several terror plots, everything from an attack on the Library Tower in Los Angeles to the scheme to use liquid explosives to blow up British Airplanes flying to the U.S.
Except, as in his other State of the Union speeches, the president was factually challenged.
Terror experts openly questioned what—if anything—was really disrupted.
Tonight, Keith Olbermann’s special comment. You can read an excerpt below: West Yorkshire in England, has a new chief police constable.
Upon his appointment, Sir Norman Bettison made one of the strangest comments of the year thus far:
“The threat of terrorism,” he says, “is lurking out there like Jaws 2.”